Sale Type: Tax Deed
Bid Method: High Bid
Sale Date(s): June
State Statute(s): Chapter 211
Over-the-Counter: Yes (State Owned)
Bid Method: High Bid
Sale Date(s): June
State Statute(s): Chapter 211
Over-the-Counter: Yes (State Owned)
Michigan State Overview
In Michigan, the tax collector or treasurer will sell tax deeds to the winning bidders at the delinquent property tax sales.
In Michigan, the tax collector or treasurer will sell tax deeds to the winning bidders at the delinquent property tax sales.
- Tax Sale Type: Tax Deed (Sec. 211.78m).
- Contact: County Treasurer. (Sec. 211.78m).
- Interest Rate and/or Penalty Rate: Not applicable.
- Bid Procedure: Premium bid / highest bid. (Sec. 211.78m (2)).
- Redemption Period: Not applicable.
- Law: Michigan Compiled Laws, Chapter 211, Sec. 211.60 et seq., "Sale, Redemption, and Conveyance of Delinquent Tax Lands."
- Many of the counties in Michigan hold their tax deed sales through the company Title-Check, LLC. The website for information is http://www.tax-sale.info/, and the auctions actually happen on http://www.ebayliveauctions.com/
- The counties that do not use Title-Check are the white, non-selectable counties on http://www.tax-sale.info/
- The name of the Assessors office in MI is the "Equalization Office", and the Assessed Value is referred to as the "State Equalized Value"
- Generally the sales happen between July and November every year.
- The county forecloses on the tax deed properties in March and April, so trying to purchase title from the previous owners cannot take place after that point, even though it may still be a few months before the auction.
- Baraga County, Gogebic County, and Houghton County hold their auctions together each year in August.
Sale Type: Tax Deeds
Bid Method: Premium Bid
Sale Date(s): Year Round
State Statute(s): Title 36, Part 2, CH 105
Over-the-Counter: No
State Website: http://www.maine.gov/
Bid Method: Premium Bid
Sale Date(s): Year Round
State Statute(s): Title 36, Part 2, CH 105
Over-the-Counter: No
State Website: http://www.maine.gov/
Maine State Overview
In Maine, the tax collector will sell tax deeds to the winning bidders at the delinquent property tax sales.
In Maine, the tax collector will sell tax deeds to the winning bidders at the delinquent property tax sales.
- Tax Sale Type: Tax Deed. (Sec. 1071).
- Contact: Municipal Tax Collector. (Sec. 1074).
- Interest Rate and/or Penalty Rate: Not applicable.
- Bid Procedure: Premium bid / highest bid. (Sec. 1074).
- Redemption Period: Not applicable.
- Law: Maine Revised Statutes, Title 36, Part 2, Chapter 105, Subchapter IX, "Delinquent Taxes."
Sale Type: Tax Deed
Bid Method: Highest Bidder
Sale Date(s): Fall (May Vary by County)
Statute Section(s): Chapters 279-282
Over-the-Counter: Yes
State Website: http://www.state.mn.us/
Bid Method: Highest Bidder
Sale Date(s): Fall (May Vary by County)
Statute Section(s): Chapters 279-282
Over-the-Counter: Yes
State Website: http://www.state.mn.us/
Minnesota State Overview
In Minnesota, county tax collectors or treasurers sell tax deeds to the winning bidders at the delinquent property tax sales.
In Minnesota, county tax collectors or treasurers sell tax deeds to the winning bidders at the delinquent property tax sales.
- Tax Sale Type: Tax Deed. (Sec. 282.301).
- Contact: Tax Collector. (Sec. 282.01).
- Interest Rate and/or Penalty Rate: Not applicable.
- Bid Procedure: Premium bid / highest bid. (Sec. 282.01).
- Redemption Period: Not applicable.
- Law: Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 281 "Real Estate Tax Sales, Redemption," and Chapter 282 "Tax-Forfeited Land Sales."
Sale Type:Tax Lien and Tax Deed
Interest Rate: 18% APR
Bid Method: Highest Bidder
Redemption Period: 2 Years
Sale Date(s): April and August
State Statute(s): Title 27
State Website: http://www.mississippi.gov/
Interest Rate: 18% APR
Bid Method: Highest Bidder
Redemption Period: 2 Years
Sale Date(s): April and August
State Statute(s): Title 27
State Website: http://www.mississippi.gov/
Mississippi State Overview
In Mississippi, county treasurer's and tax collector's sell tax lien certificates to the winning bidder at the delinquent property tax sales.
In Mississippi, county treasurer's and tax collector's sell tax lien certificates to the winning bidder at the delinquent property tax sales.
- Tax Sale Type: Tax Lien Certificate. (Sec. 27-41-55).
- Contact: Tax Colector. (Sec. 27-41-47).
- Interest Rate and/or Penalty Rate: 18% per annum and 5% penalty. (Sec. 27-45-3).
- Bid Procedure: Premium bid / highest bid. (Sec. 27-41-59).
- Redemption Period: Two (2) years. (Sec. 27-45-3).
- Law: Mississippi Code, Title 27, Chapter 41, "Ad Valorem Taxes -- Collection", Chapter 45, "Ad Valorem Taxes -- Redemption of Land Sold for Taxes," and Chapter 47, "Ad Valorem Taxes -- Assignment of Tax Liens."
- Important. According to (Sec. 27-41-77) the overbid does not draw interest. Furthermore, the overbid will not be returned upon redemption and "shall be credited to the county general fund".
Sale Type: Tax Liens & Tax Deeds
Interest Rate: 10% APR
Bid Method: Premium Bid
Redemption Period: 2 Years
Sale Date(s): Year Round
Statute Section(s): Chapters 140 & 141
Over-the-Counter: Yes
State Website: http://www.mo.gov/
Interest Rate: 10% APR
Bid Method: Premium Bid
Redemption Period: 2 Years
Sale Date(s): Year Round
Statute Section(s): Chapters 140 & 141
Over-the-Counter: Yes
State Website: http://www.mo.gov/
Missouri State Overview
In Missouri, county treasurer's and tax collector's sell tax lien certificates to the winning bidder at the delinquent property tax lien sales.
In addition, counties 'which adopt or which have adopted a charter or constitutional form of government shall be a separate class of counties outside of the classification system established under section 8 of this article'.
In conclusion, any county with a population of 85,000 or more may adopt a different process for the collection of delinquent property taxes. Therefore, prior to purchase, contact county officials for the specifics on how delinquent property taxes are handled in that specific county.
Sale to Non-Residents According to (Sec. 140.190) no 'bid shall be received from any person not a resident of the state of Missouri until such person shall file with said collector an agreement in writing consenting to the jurisdiction of the circuit court of the county in which such sale shall be made, and also filing with such collector an appointment of some citizen of said county as agent of said purchaser, and consenting that service of process on such agent shall give such court jurisdiction to try and determine any suit growing out of or connected with such sale for taxes'.
Subsequent Taxes. According to (Sec. 140.440) the purchaser of the tax lien certificate must pay all subsequent taxes 'that have accrued thereon since the issuance of said certificate' before 'being entitled to apply for deed'.
Furthermore, 'any purchaser that shall suffer a subsequent tax to become delinquent, such first purchaser shall forfeit all liens on such lands so purchased.'
A purchaser that permits 'a subsequent certificate to issue on the same property' will receive a notice instructing the investor to 'surrender said certificate' to the county tax collector. At that point the investor will receive what he or she paid to purchase 'shall be paid without interest to such holder of the certificate'.
Applying for Tax Deed. According to (Sec. 140.410) the purchaser must apply for a tax deed 'within two years from the date of said sale' of the tax lien certificate. Failure by the purchaser to apply for a tax deed within the time specified in Sec. 140.410 'the amount due such purchaser shall cease to be a lien on said lands so purchased so purchased as herein provided'.
In Missouri, county treasurer's and tax collector's sell tax lien certificates to the winning bidder at the delinquent property tax lien sales.
- Tax Sale Type: Tax Lien Certificate (Sec. 140.290).
- Contact: Tax Collector. (Sec. 140.010).
- Interest Rate and/or Penalty Rate: 10% per annum (8% on subsequent taxes). (Sec. 140.340).
- Bid Procedure: Premium bid / highest bid. (Sec. 140.190 Sec. 140.250).
- Redemption Period: One (1) year. (Sec. 140.330).
- Law: Missouri Revised Statutes, Chapter 140, "Collection of Delinquent Taxes Generally," and Chapter 141, "Delinquent Taxes -- First Class Counties and St. Louis City."
In addition, counties 'which adopt or which have adopted a charter or constitutional form of government shall be a separate class of counties outside of the classification system established under section 8 of this article'.
In conclusion, any county with a population of 85,000 or more may adopt a different process for the collection of delinquent property taxes. Therefore, prior to purchase, contact county officials for the specifics on how delinquent property taxes are handled in that specific county.
Sale to Non-Residents According to (Sec. 140.190) no 'bid shall be received from any person not a resident of the state of Missouri until such person shall file with said collector an agreement in writing consenting to the jurisdiction of the circuit court of the county in which such sale shall be made, and also filing with such collector an appointment of some citizen of said county as agent of said purchaser, and consenting that service of process on such agent shall give such court jurisdiction to try and determine any suit growing out of or connected with such sale for taxes'.
Subsequent Taxes. According to (Sec. 140.440) the purchaser of the tax lien certificate must pay all subsequent taxes 'that have accrued thereon since the issuance of said certificate' before 'being entitled to apply for deed'.
Furthermore, 'any purchaser that shall suffer a subsequent tax to become delinquent, such first purchaser shall forfeit all liens on such lands so purchased.'
A purchaser that permits 'a subsequent certificate to issue on the same property' will receive a notice instructing the investor to 'surrender said certificate' to the county tax collector. At that point the investor will receive what he or she paid to purchase 'shall be paid without interest to such holder of the certificate'.
Applying for Tax Deed. According to (Sec. 140.410) the purchaser must apply for a tax deed 'within two years from the date of said sale' of the tax lien certificate. Failure by the purchaser to apply for a tax deed within the time specified in Sec. 140.410 'the amount due such purchaser shall cease to be a lien on said lands so purchased so purchased as herein provided'.